Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas... a whole lot of them

We had an amazing first Christmas as a family of four (yes Carly Moe still counts as a member of our family, making the number 4, not three).  Camber loved opening his presents and would want to play with each one before we made him move on to the next one.  

Our first Christmas was in Boone with De's side of the family.  Dad, be very grateful, because I didn't post the pictures of you, Darren, and Jeff in your new pants! I thought I would spare everyone the misery of seeing that :-)  Camber loved Great Grandma's chicken and noodles.  
Camber's own remote control 

He does such a great job of pulling out the tissue paper.


And sunglasses

Thanks Aunt Kelsey for the great books! 
Camber and Nana

Does that entire hand in his mouth mean teething? I  think so!
We were so excited to take Camber to see Jolly Holiday Lights.  He fell asleep on the way down, so he took a little while to warm up to the lights, but once he did he loved them! He especially loved the tunnels of lights.  I didn't get many good pictures. Bummer!

Our next Christmas was with Doug's side of the family at Aunt Pat's house.  So many big kids for Camber to follow around.  The Allen boys took great care of Camber! They helped him ride his new horse and showed him the ropes of boy play!

Such sweet boys
 Santa came to visit before having to head back to the North Pole to get everything ready for Christmas day.  He gave all the kids a gift. And Grandpa Bob got something pretty special too!

Taylor Jo was so excited to see Santa!

Thanks Santa!
 About a week before our family Christmas Doug decided that Grandpa Bob needed a new car.  He organized this fundraiser and within a week he was able to get him a new one.  As I would receive the emails of another donation I was overwhelmed with the kindness everyone was giving.  Thank you so much to everyone who helped!
Here was the present Grandpa Bob received! 

Good job Doug, for organizing such an amazing gift!

He got a popper! A few weeks ago we were at Target and Doug let Camber out of the cart to play with this. When Doug took it away because we needed to leave Camber was NOT happy. So needless to say, he didn't let go of it for the rest of the evening.

Daddy went back to work on Monday morning and Camber wasn't very happy to have him leave.  We ended up having a great day although I could tell that Camber was started to get sick (and is still teething)

Monday night we went to Christmas Eve service and Camber loved the lights and songs! He didn't love the sitting so much, so Doug was able to take him to a kids room where he could run around for a bit. 

Doug and I really enjoyed helping Santa out this year for the first time! We went Christmas shopping back in July and I think I forgot about that as I was buying presents.  He must have been a really good boy this year. 

Camber seeing his presents on Christmas morning

Cool! A truck!


 Soccer balls, basketball, football, tractors, dump trucks, bulldozers, tools, a tunnel, trucks, what more could a boy want?!

My mom and Mark were able to come on Christmas day to help celebrate.  We were able to open presents, eat lunch, and watch a Christmas movie before heading to my Uncle Darrel and Aunt Debbie's house with everyone.
So determined to get that paper off. 

A four-wheeler

Grandpa Mark ruined my only good picture with Camber! 

Camber really didn't feel good by this point in the day.  His nose was running and he didn't feel good.  He ended up having a bit of a fever and getting sick (just once).  Look how out of it he looks in this picture.  This was even after Carson had picked up Lucy (their big dog) to try and get a smile. Thanks for trying Carson!

Feeling a little better the next day. Playing with all his toys

Went to the doctor just to check it out.  He waited so patiently. 

Love hanging out with Daddy!

 Our final Christmas was at my Dad's house.  We missed Aunt Kelsey, but it was still a fun time! Great dinner and Connor's friend's 7 week old kitty was the entertainment for the night. We even heard Camber say "kitty" 4 or 5 times. Not a word he has ever practiced, so that was pretty cool! He also got a very meaningful present from Grandpa and Nana.  They must have scoured the internet for it. It is a toy that I spent hours playing with at my Grandma Maxine's and was so thankful to have another one like it again for our little guy!

Camber's other favorite toy (out of everything he got) is his toothbrush. He lets me brush his teeth each time, followed by his brushing that lasts forever. He is NOT happy when I FINALLY take it away from him.  At least we know he will have healthy teeth and great dental hygiene. 

It was a great Christmas (the many that we had) and we are SO thankful for all the gifts!  I'm so excited to spend a few days with my Bubba while we gear up for his big party this weekend!!

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