Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Letter

I got a little behind this year.  Trying to get Camber's one-year/Christmas pictures taken, getting ready for Christmas, and planning a one-year birthday party, I just didn't get a Christmas letter sent. So here it is.

Better late than never.

Our letter has always been from our dog, Carly Moe's, point of view.


Happy Holidays from the Taylor Family,

            Last year Dad and Mom kept telling me that my life was going to change; I wasn’t going to be the baby of the family anymore. Boy, they weren’t kidding.  On January 5th, 2014, Camber Douglas Taylor entered our family.  When he first came home things weren’t much different, although he sure cried a lot when I was trying to sleep.  Mom stayed home with Camber and I for a few months, and we did lots of snuggling. But then, this summer, Camber started to move! He was rolling and crawling, but I was still fast enough to get away.
            Then just last month he started WALKING! Can you believe that!?  Well neither could I.  It’s definitely harder for me to get away from him. I can still run up and sneak in a lick or two, and get away most times without him catching me. 
            Camber has been so busy his first year. Learning all of his motor skills: rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking.  He now has a whole mouthful of teeth (which he decided to get all in two weeks). That meant not a lot of sleep for the whole family for those few weeks.  Camber is such a fun, crazy, lovable baby. I can’t imagine our family without him.
            Dad (Doug) started up a new business in June and has been so busy! He does window tint, car/truck accessories, and vinyl wraps and decals.  His new business is called Auto Addictions and is located in Waukee.  In his free time, he loves playing with Camber. In fact, I think he is more excited for Camber’s Christmas presents than Camber is.
            Mom (Lindsay) is busy teaching 5th grade and being a mom.  She loves being able to read books with Camber (and me too, of course), play with all of his toys, and go do fun things.  They have taken Camber to the zoo, Science Center, farmer’s markets, Minnesota to the Mall of America and Lark Toy Store, many trips to see family and friends, and a bunch of other really fun things. 
            They are busy planning for Camber’s one-year birthday party! It is going to be an Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss theme.  Camber has the cutest outfit to wear! 
            We hope you all have a fantastic year and please bookmark our blog so that you can keep up on all the fun things we do!  Love to all!
                                                                        The Taylor Family,
                                                                        Doug, Lindsay, Camber, and Carly Moe

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