Friday, December 5, 2014

11 Months Old

     Camber has been SO busy this month.  His biggest accomplishment was learning to walk! On Sunday (at the beginning of November) he took two steps, then Monday he took four, Wednesday he took 6, and then on Thursday he was off and he hasn't slowed down since.  Every day he seems to get more stable and faster!  It is so fun to watch him go! We know it won't last, but right now he doesn't seem to get into as much because he is so focused on walking he doesn't stop to mess with stuff (this doesn't mean that he doesn't get into things, because believe me, he does. Just not quite as much as I thought he would when he started walking). We are trying to enjoy it now, knowing this phase won't last long :-)

This was one of the first videos we have of Camber walking. There is a longer one on Facebook as well.

     With walking comes lots of bumps and bruises.  Camber has had his fair share of bumps.  He always seems to be around a wall when he falls instead of just in the middle of nowhere.  The other day we were looking at the neighbor's Christmas lights across the street and he tripped and fell right into the window sill giving himself a nice big goose egg on his eyebrow.  Mama may have been more scared than Camber and when he started laughing at me crying I knew he was ok.  (Although I was packed and ready to go to the ER). Think of what those doctors and nurses would have said to me. Ha!  Thanks goodness Doug was able to come home right away and calm us (mostly just me) down.

    Camber now looks like quite the tough guy with his first true black eye! I am just hoping it goes away by next weekend when we are going to be taking his one year pictures.  And I really need to get a picture taken for his one-year birthday invitations.

   Speaking of one-year, can you believe in less than one month my little guy will be one. How did that happen!? I am so excited (and a little sad, because time has just flown by) to be celebrating our little man!  Operation Birthday Party Planning is in full swing, along with hustle and bustle of the holiday season!

   Camber got to enjoy his first Thanksgiving dinner. I would say his favorite was definitely the turkey (the kid LOVES meat) followed in a close second by sweet potatoes! I have since tried to give him sweet potatoes, but he is far from interested!

Camber's Thanksgiving Craft from Daycare

    We were able to play for a while at the Science Center and it was fun to see Camber really able to play with some of the activities.  He was really into the water station and the dinosaurs!!

He is always trying to figure out how things work and this picture shows that exactly. Look at that face!
"Hmm, let me just see how this works!"

He would just stare at this contraption. His eyes would follow the ball the whole way.

Found a friend to share with :-)

Daddy was pretty good at getting these things going; Mama, not so much 

Daddy may have had more fun than Camber

   Doug really wanted to take Camber sledding so we bundled him up and found a great hill.  Camber loved it although he could barely move with all the clothes we had on him :-)

We stopped during one of our shopping excursions to play in the play place at Valley West Mall.  Camber LOVES to climb all over everything. And as many germs as I know are crawling all over, I love letting him burn off some energy, so we just wipe down when we leave! 

   Doug and I (and Camber too) get a little stir crazy having to always play inside. Especially now that Camber is walking it would certainly be nice if we could get outdoors more. But we can't, so we make do with the things we have. Doug tied a workout band to the top of our ottoman and made a ride for Camber. He loved it.

All bundled up and ready for the snow!

It's hard work playing. Had to stop of a rest! (this lasted only seconds, in fact I am surprised we caught it on camera)

Also climbing on everything!


I had decorated for Christmas while Camber was napping and when he got up and came downstairs he was amazed at all the new things and the lights (and thinking he couldn't wait to get into it all).  He has done a pretty good job (so far) with all the decorations!
This kid LOVES pictures! 

Camber's elf is watching! 

Best present we could have ever hoped for

Daddy gave his job of putting the angel on the tree to Camber this year. 


 Another big thing for Camber this month is teeth! As of ten months Camber didn't have a single tooth. Not one. Then all hell broke loose.  I had always heard they get their bottom two teeth first, so any time we thought he was teething we would check the bottom.  I should have known Camber wouldn't do "what is supposed to be done." Because he decided to get ALL FOUR of his top teeth at the same time. It's be a super fun couple of weeks, with minimal sleep and lots of snuggling! Poor guy, I can't imagine how that feels!  They still aren't all the way in, but overnight he is going to look like such a big kid with four teeth! 

Well we now have an 11-month old! That is so crazy! It has been so fun to see Camber grow and change each month with these pictures.  Only one more month to go! I bet Camber is excited about that (because I don't think he loves when I make him do this).

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