Sunday, January 26, 2014


   The first few weeks home have been amazing.  We love having our little man home, free from all those doctors, nurses, cords, and wires! Of course, we are still trying to figure out this parenting thing, but sitting and cuddling with my boy is my new favorite thing to do!  Breastfeeding, diaper changes, spit up, sleep problems all have their challenges, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I can't even remember my life before Camber Douglas!  Being a mama is the best thing ever!

   The first week home we didn't do much.  My mom (Grandma) came and helped Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon when we took him to the doctor.  He had already gotten back up to his birth weight and checked out great.  We also went to the chiropractor that first week (pictures of his first adjustment below).  Over the weekend, with Doug's help, we returned some things to the mall and made a quick Target run.  He did great on all of these outings.

   This last week we went to the chiropractor and doctor again where Camber gained another 6 ounces! We also went to an appointment to the lactation consultant where she gave me some great breastfeeding tips and it has totally just clicked now with Camber.  We had some complications because of our time in the NICU with breastfeeding, but now all is good!  On Saturday Camber went to his first party! We went to the Shuler Staff Party during his usual cranky time, but Camber slept through the entire thing! Amazing!

   We have figured out the eating thing and now we are working on sleeping.  Camber gets so tired and then fights going to sleep.  He is definitely getting better and so are we as we figure him out more! We have had a few nights where he goes 5 hours in between feedings.  This mama loves to get a few hours of sleep!

Can't believe he is three weeks old already! Where has the time gone?!  I am so sad that he is getting bigger; already not fitting into some of his newborn clothes!

Below are just some of the almost 250 pictures I have taken in Camber's short 21 days of life :-)
I meant to take pictures with all of Camber's visitors, but I forgot some of the time.  Sorry! Will add more pictures later!

All bundled up in his bear coat

Wearing his tire shirt the day we visited Daddy at work

We love cuddling

Look at those eyes!

Mommy's big buy (already not really fitting in some newborn clothes)

Carly Moe is such a good big sister

All three of us cuddling

Ready to go

Hands crossed, so content

What did you say mom?

You're crazy mama!

Such a sweet boy
Auntie Lizz (and Puff, her baby) came to visit

Camber's first party-Shuler Staff Party and he did great, wearing his bowtie onsie and "old man" sweater

Mary came to visit

Grant and Alison-they will have a best friend or girlfriend for me to play with soon!

Such a strong boy

Sitting with my daddy

Great Grandma Shirley

All snuggled in

I love my boy, even when he has a sad face

Love you little man

Full belly and cowboy hat

Carly Moe kisses

Great Grandma Kay

 Aunt Doreen loves our fur baby :-)

Aunt Kelsey

Mommy's Little Monster (looks like he's ready to punch something)


First chiropractor adjustment. He didn't love it, but it made him feel so much better afterwards.
When we went the 2nd time Camber didn't even make a peep!

We love Dr. Brian



First day home

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