Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Month Old

   I can't believe how fast the last month has gone.  It seems like just last week we brought Camber home.  I love being a mama and can't imagine life without my little man.  Camber has had an eventful first month of life in this world, starting with a week in the NICU.  We are so proud of Camber as he has proved to be a fighter!
  Since being home we have settled into a routine (if you can call it that!).  Camber does an amazing job at night sleeping 4-5 hours each night followed by another 3-4 hours after a middle-of-the-night feeding.  This mama appreciates a few hours of sleep!  During the day Camber is a little sweetheart, but in the evening we can definitely attest to the "witching hour" that so many speak of.  From about 6-10 Camber is not a very happy baby.  Some evenings are better than others, but he is generally more fussy during this time of day.  He just needs so extra love, which is perfect because both Doug and I are here to love and snuggle him!
    Camber's first bath at home was not much fun for him.  He just shivered (and cried) the entire time.  We went and bought a small space heater which helps warm up the area and now he loves bath time.  Camber loves to be talked to and has even started to give a small smile.

   Over the first month Camber has has many visitors; we will have many more people to meet in the coming weeks.

    Just yesterday Camber had to have his tongue clipped.  The frenulum, the skin that holds the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, was too tight, which meant he was having trouble getting enough milk. It was a quick and easy procedure although both Camber and I hated it.  He nursed right after and was moving his tongue around kind of confused as to why it was moving like that.  We are hoping this keeps him fuller and helps him get better quality sleep during his naps.

   As of Monday Camber weighs in at 10 lbs. 1 oz and is 22 1/4 inches long.

Doug and I are just so proud of our little man.  He has had quite a few hurdles in just one short month, but he always fights right through them and for all that he has gone through he really is a happy, sweet boy.  We have only had him for one month, but already I don't know what we did before Camber.  We are in love that is for sure.

With Grandma De

Love snuggling with my Daddy

Camber's birthday buddy, Shawnel

Visited the teachers at school-Amber

With Aunt Connor

Aunt Sherrie and Aunt Cas with their Skeeterbug

Visited the teachers at school-Robin

Daddy giving me a bath

Some calm because I'm warm!

Go Panthers!

Thing One and Thing Two

Look at that face!

One month old with Carly Moe

The many faces of Camber Douglas

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