Saturday, December 28, 2013

Now we wait....

    We are 38 weeks and everything seems ready for Baby Taylor to come.  Hospital registration has been sent, nursery is finished, essentials are bought, bags are packed, food is made and frozen, house is we wait.  I bet, because I have all that stuff done, that we will wait for another 3 weeks :-)  I am now going to make a fun to-do list with all kinds of books I want to read (not baby-related) and things I want to do to keep me busy and my mind off of having this baby.

  Last Thursday after our ultrasound I wasn't feeling great and since then developed a severe ear and sinus infection.  I tried fighting it as best as I could, but getting only about an hour of sleep for a few nights in a row wore me down even more and I wasn't able to get over it.  I went to the doctor and they were able to give me some meds to help.  I feel better; still not 100% but I definitely have more energy.  The thought of going into labor while feeling so sick was scary!

     We have had a busy week with the holidays!  We had a great time with family this past week and are so excited about next year and having an "almost-one-year-old" to share the holiday with :-)  It will be so different than this year!

   I have been trying to schedule in as much time with family and friends this week before Baby Taylor comes. I had breakfast with my cousin Chelsea at my grandma's yesterday, where Grandma made us some yummy pancakes! I then met Shelby for lunch, and it is always so much fun catching up with her! We always seem to pick up right where we left off!  Today I am headed up to Ames to meet Lizz and hopefully see her baby bump!  Kevin and Greta are back in town so we will plan to meet up with them later today!  I still have so many of you that I want to sit down and catch up with before Baby Taylor comes :-)

   Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

How far along: 38 weeks
Sleep: Well with my sinus/ear infection I didn't really sleep at all!
Best Moment this week: Christmas!
Miss Anything: Nothing that I can think of this week!
Movement: Like crazy!
Food Cravings: Nope-Christmas dinner was satisfying :-)
Gender:  I'm hanging out in the boy camp now :-)  Doug has had two dreams that it is a boy -I haven't had any!
Labor Signs: Just some Braxton-hicks here and there.  Nothing to get concerned about!
Symptoms: All kinds of them ....
Wedding Rind on or off?:  Off
Belly Button in or out: Well it isn't out, but it isn't really in either
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Baby Taylor coming!

38 weeks

Belly on Christmas

Carly Moe (38 weeks)

Carly Moe loves hanging out with Mama over Christmas break

Last Christmas as a family of three  (yes Carly Moe counts as a member of the family)

One of our awesome Christmas presents!

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