Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 weeks, only 10 (or less) more to go

Oh my goodness.  Week 30!  This is the week that always seemed like the "end" to me.  I know that I obviously have over two months to go, but I always said around 30 weeks I would have most things done. Ha! Yea Right!  I have a to do list with at least 23 things on it (just baby related things).  On the top of my list is finding a pediatrician, sending our registration to the hospital, and checking with our insurance about a breast pump.  All really fun stuff :-) I have at least typed up a to-do list and hospital packing list.  I won't pack a bag for a few weeks still, but I have a list ready to go.

We have had a busy couple of weeks, Doug left for Las Vegas for the SEMA car show.  He has to take his truck out there as it is a featured vehicle for a couple of companies.  My stepdad, Mark rode out their with him and they will fly back to Iowa on Sunday.  Then they will go back out on Thursday next week and drive the truck back next Saturday/Sunday.  I sure miss him on the weekends, but know that he enjoys the car show!

Yesterday I took a personal day and went shopping with my mom for her birthday.  We met with Doug's insurance agent to get insurance for the baby. We didn't buy much on our shopping day, but I did get a couple of people crossed off my Christmas list.

On Thursday night Doug and I celebrated Halloween by going to see Wicked. I had seen it a couple of years ago, but wanted to go again.  Doug and I really enjoyed it!!

We got our chair for the nursery! It takes up a lot of room, but it looks amazing and I love sitting in it; I can't wait for the baby to sit there with me :-)

I had been so nervous for my glucose test, because since week 12 they have been saying our baby has been measuring a little big and I didn't want that to be related to gestational diabetes.  I passed my glucose test so nothing to worry about!! Just a little bit bigger baby.

How far along: 30 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes, but it's funny because I have been wearing a bunch of sweaters that aren't maternity. When I was 12-16 weeks I couldn't wait to wear maternity clothes, and now that I need them I can't find much that I like :-)
Best moment this week: So many things: shopping with my mom, passing my glucose test, and getting our chair.

Miss Anything? I can't really think of anything
Movement: Lots :-) It's so fun!
Food cravings: Nothing this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't stand plain chicken breast
Gender:  I'm back to "I don't know"
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: I have had some heartburn lately (no fun!)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited!
Looking forward to: Getting lots of things crossed off my to-do list

30 Weeks

Carly getting used to the carseat.  She will sniff it a lot. 

Doug and I at Wicked!

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