Saturday, October 5, 2013

We are having a baby...

Over the past few weeks there have been times when I get really overwhelmed with the idea of "we are having a baby." I can't wait to meet this little guy or girl, but I am starting to get nervous about it.  Our lives are going to change so much; everything I have known for the first 26 years of my life is going to drastically change and it is just a little overwhelming at times.

When I start to think "we are going to have a baby in January" that doesn't seem so scary, but when I think "that is around 14 weeks away" that seems like it is right around the corner! I just know that November and December are going to fly by.

Sometimes I wake up at night and can't go back to sleep because I am just thinking about how our lives will be so different.  I know we are ready for a baby and this part of our life, but it's a little overwhelming at times!

Not to mention all the other things that I need to think about: get a long-term sub for my classroom, get everything ready for a sub to be in my room, learn how to have a baby :-), find a pediatrician, get insurance, start a college fund, get an abundant amount of baby supplies, etc.  The list could do on for days :-)

I am just trying to relax and enjoy the entire process of being pregnant!  And I am making Doug take me on an official "date night" this weekend!

How far along: 26 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes-ready to start wearing some fall clothes although I am sure I will get sick of those by January.
Best moment this week: Doug gets to feel Baby Taylor move quite a bit now.

Miss Anything? Going up the stairs without getting winded!
Movement: Yes-A LOT-my whole stomach moves :-) It's fun to watch
Food cravings: I was craving canned peaches the other day. Weird!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing much 
Gender:  I definitely think girl!
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: Just this growing belly
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Overwhelmed :-)
Looking forward to: Baby shower in two weeks!


  1. You will do just fine! And trust me when that baby gets here all things will fall in's just needs you for the first few months a lot of those things you can line up later.don't worry school visits will help the sub, ask your family practice if they'd like to take the baby they can do that and sometimes enjoy it because they don't get to often or they can recommend a great ped. Hopefully that helps! But mostly know I can help with anything too!

  2. Lindsay, you will be an amazing mom! :) Just the fact that you are so concerned about it assures me it is true! And, don't worry, your new baby has never been a baby before, so she (or he) won't judge you on whether or not you know how to be a mom right away! If you mix in enough love, tears, and prayers - the rest of it will all fall into place. The girls and I wish we were close enough to help out with the details and especially with baby holding in a few months!!!

    1. Aww thanks Melanie! We are definitely excited and I can't wait to do the baby-holding! You are welcome anytime to come hold the baby :-)
