Saturday, June 7, 2014

5 Months

I celebrated my first Mother's Day and Camber got me a beautiful necklace and a book about mothers and their sons.  I started reading it out loud to him, but couldn't make it very far. It is a wonderful book; Doug did a great job for my first Mother's Day. He set the bar pretty high so now I have to get thinking about what I am going to get him for Father's Day!  We visited Doug's mom and grandma and took flowers for their graves.  We had my mom's side of the family over for Sunday lunch, got to see Lori and the girls briefly, and ended the day with a phone call to De.  Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas!

We celebrated Connor's high school graduation and Camber was the cutest one there!! We are so proud of Connor and can't wait to watch her next year at college.  We are going to try to come to a few soccer games. We went to watch two of her games this spring and Camber was really interested in the game (until he fell asleep).

Camber is so excited to spend the summer with Mommy!! We have had a busy first week.  Camber got to see Myles again and is so excited to get to play with him soon!

Since the middle of April Camber was sleeping for 1-2 hours at a time and waking up screaming.  We attributed it to a number of different things, but finally figured out that it was acid reflux.  We went to the doctor a couple of different times and finally got some medicine for it on his 5 month birthday.  This mama is hoping for some relief, because up every hour listening to my boy cry isn't any fun!

Camber helped Grandma celebrate her retirement from teaching! We also went boating and Camber did an awesome job, although he didn't love his lifejacket!

Camber continues to change EVERY day. I think I say it daily that he is doing something new and different.  I can't believe how stinking cute he is!  :-)  He is now rolling over from tummy to back and back to tummy.  He is ready to crawl, but hasn't started that yet.  He does scoot, but end ups going backwards.  Just this week he is able to sit up for a long time before wobbling!  A week ago it was just a few seconds.

Things that I like:
-Being outside
-Having my wind down in the car (I hate my car seat and this helps me in the car to not be so mad)
-Sophie (giraffe that I can chew on-see picture below)
-Carly Moe-but she won't let me catch her!
-My Daddy-I thinks he is so funny. No one can make me laugh like Daddy can.
-My toes: I LOVE to chew on my toes
-Being wrapped up and worn by my mom and dad
-Boating: I loved looking around and the water and hum of the boat put me to sleep

Things that I don't like:
-My carseat: that thing is a torture chamber
-Sitting still: I am such a mover. Mom and Dad are going to be in so much trouble when I start crawling and walking.
-Loud noises: we went to Connor's soccer game and I hated it when people cheered
-Men with deep voices: scary!!
-Being overstimulated-if we are around too many people I get really overwhelmed

Visiting Grandma and Great Grandma

Happy Mother's Day

Bringing flowers to Grandma and Great Grandma

Mommy reading the story I got her for Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 

Mommy's Heart Breaker

Looking so cool at Connor's Graduation

I love my new jumper

So Happy

LOVES being outside

Watching Daddy mow the yard

So serious

Mom, why are you watching me?

Love eating my toes

Big yawn!

Here I go....rolling, rolling, rolling


Next adventure: crawling

Daddy you are so funny!

Again with the toes :-)

Grandma's Retirement Party

Grandma's Retirement Party

Congratulations Grandma!

With Grandma, Great Grandma, and Great Grandpa

I'm on a boat!

Stupid lifejacket

Helping Daddy drive

Such a big boy

All this fun wore me out!

Seeing my friend Myles!!
Look at that cute baby I found
He is so interesting!

Kisses for the cute baby!

Look Mom I can sit up all by myself!

                                    Like I said earlier, Camber is a MOVER! He doesn't sit still for
                                     very long. I had about 30 more pictures in this sequence, just trying
                                    to get one smiley picture. These make me laugh, because it is totally
                                   his personality! Little Stinker :-)  Enjoy!

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