Sunday, May 25, 2014

Four months 3 weeks late...oops!

 My original title for this blog post was "three weeks late," which I then thought implied something else entirely.  That would just be a cruel, harsh joke! I'm already not getting any sleep and another baby right now would not help that. Maybe down the road, WAY, WAY down the road....(maybe!)

This month has been busy, with me back at school.  We now have a friend, Alyssa watching him for daycare which has been wonderful!  I think he smiles more at her than he does me!!  We have been so grateful for her!!

I celebrated my 27th birthday which was so fun; it was my first birthday as a mom!  Doug decorated the house, made waffles for breakfast, and had presents! He sure knows how to spoil me! With Camber's help they picked out a beautiful watch and bracelet for me.  We had lunch with my mom, Mark, grandparents, Darrell, Debbie, and Carson.  My Dad, De, and Connor (we missed you Kelsey) took me out for a birthday dinner at John & Nick's.  I would say it was a pretty good birthday!

Camber loves to go on lots of walks, but not in his stroller as he hates his carseat (which is what he has to be in to sit in his stroller), so we get to babywear him.  Usually there is a fight about who gets to carry him as both Doug and I love to do it :-)

Got this picture from Alyssa-holding his own bottle! Big boy!

Loves putting ALL his toys in his mouth!

Daddy won!

Look at those chunky cheeks!

Hanging with Grandpa at Grand March (Connor's Prom)

Hanging with Grandpa before Mommy's birthday dinner!

I love Mommy!

I'm not sure how, but those smiles keep getting cuter and cuter

He has mastered the giggle :-)

We have to have Daddy in order to get big smiles!

Almost the same size as Carly Moe :-)  

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