Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We have turned into "those" people....

   In just a little over 10 short weeks, Doug and I have turned into "those people."  You know the people I am talking about.  The ones you said you would never become.  I promised as a mom I wouldn't do "those" things! Well, here I am- I have arrived at motherhood.

1.   "I will be the mom that takes a shower and gets ready everyday, even if we aren't going to go anywhere." Ha! Yea right.  These things called babies-yay-well they like to be held and they don't care if you stink (even if you stink really bad).

2.   "We won't be late, just because we have a baby."  How hard is it to plan ahead a little to be on time? We are "early" people so we will be able to handle that.  Well no one told Camber what time it was, or what time we needed to leave.  He didn't get a clock on the way out of the hospital so he has no idea what time is (nor does he care).  When we do finally get around to getting out of the house: we have the bag packed, ourselves ready, Camber strapped into that torture chamber called a car seat: he decides he needs to poop.  And not just a little poop that you could just change him when you got to wherever you were going, a big poop. One that needs changed right now! So you unstrap him, change him, and repeat the process all over again.

3.    The other night we were going to dinner with Cas and Jeff and so I nursed Camber in the car before going in.  (We again made them wait for us-see #2).  As we are walking into the restaurant I realize I haven't pulled my shirt down after nursing. I just put my coat on, but didn't pull my shirt down.  Thank God I realized it before taking my coat off again and showing the whole restaurant something they may not have wanted to see.

  4.  "Talking about poop"  Poor Cas and Jeff, they are always subjected to our Mom and Dad conversations. At dinner we were talking about Camber's poop.  Who wants to hear that? I am sure they didn't, but they did the Godparent duty and just smiled and nodded (while acting interested-all the while thinking to themselves "Get us out of here.")
  Doug and I will text each other about Camber's poop.  Hey when he goes three days without one it is pretty exciting.  The second text is worse though: asking how much and what color.  :-)  I ran to the grocery store one afternoon and came home to Doug saying that Camber had pooped while I was gone and he had saved the diaper for me to look at what color it was.  Again -if you would have told me I would be "that person" three months ago I would have laughed at you.  Now it's my real life :-)

  5.  We take a noise machine into public places.  Camber likes having a noise machine to fall asleep to and now they make a little one that attaches to his car seat (the size of a cell phone-come on people it's not like I'm bringing a boom box into places).

 6.  I always said I would put my baby in his swing, bed, bouncy seat, hell anywhere to take his nap.  I had envisioned placing my smiling, happy baby into his crib and patting his little tummy saying "have a good nap, see you in an hour" and walking out of the room.  What a joke! Camber didn't get that memo! He likes to be held and rocked and so: we hold and rock.  Because I am not going to listen to a screaming baby all day!  He will only be little for such a short time and so I hold and rock!  Don't judge!

  7. You always see these moms with their hair in a pony tail wearing sweat pants and a shirt that looks like might have also been worn yesterday and then on closer examination you see what could be spit-up or worse, poop?!  Have I turned into that?!  Sadly, yes I have! I have had every baby body fluid on me, and the worse part? It doesn't really phase me.

 8.  We only talk about Camber.  I have nothing else to talk about, because I think of nothing else all day long! Maybe it will get better once I go back to work, but I have nothing to contribute to a conversation unless it involves nursing, diaper changing, naps, or growth spurts.  He is my world, he consumes my thoughts, he is my everything!

So ten weeks ago I envisioned a sweet, sleeping, quiet baby snuggling in my arms, but instead I got Camber who is SO MUCH better than anything I could have imagined. He smiles, recognizes us, sticks his tongue out at us, gives me this little side smile at 3 in the morning just to say "mama don't be mad about being up right now; I couldn't wait until morning to see you."  And then all is right in the world (even if there is spit-up in my hair)....

Can never have enough pictures of that beautiful smile

See what I mean-

We always said, "Oh we can just take our baby out with us,"
but now the highlight of our Saturday night: bath time!

Getting to be such a big boy!

There's that smile again!

That smile will melt your heart!

Mama, you are so funny!

Amy and Casey thought he would look good with some facial hair :-)

Little Rockstar!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful writing! Your LOVE is obvious and this is ALL so true! I forgot but wish I could describe grandparenthood as well!!
    Barbara W
