Thursday, March 6, 2014

Two Months Old

   We have a two month old little man! Where has the time gone.  I have a feeling I am going to feel that way every time I blog; I am just overwhelmed by how fast the time goes!  In just over a month I will be going back to work and I can't even fathom how I will feel when that day comes. I continue to enjoy every minute of my time home with Camber.
  Camber has really started to smile-not just the little smile, but a full on smile that just melts your heart!  He really responds to people talking to him and his FAVORITE thing is when you stick your tongue out at him.  When I hold him he will start sticking his tongue out, letting me know he wants me to do it back to him.  I think he especially likes this so much because he can actually stick his tongue out now, something he wasn't able to do before getting his tongue tie revised.
   Camber continues to meet new people (Uncle Darrell, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Woody, Aunt Cheryl, Taylor Jo, friend Addie, and so many more).  Last Sunday Camber went to cheer on Daddy at his hockey game.  He made it through the first few minutes but then fell asleep.

    Last week we asked Aunt Cas and Funcle (fun uncle) Jeff (really they are cousins, but aunt and uncle sounds better) to be Camber's Godparents (sponsors).  We are so grateful to have so many family members to support Camber.  We plan to baptize Camber later in March.

    Doug and I are ready for some warmer weather so that we can start taking Camber for walks and just get out of the house more.  We spend our time hanging out with our little guy, not quite sure what we ever did before we had him!

   Yesterday we had Camber's two month appointment and he is just shy of 25 inches long at 99th percentile and 11 lbs 5 oz.  He is very long and lean :-)  Can't wait to see how tall he ends up being :-)  The sound of his cries during the shots was unbearable!

So cute in my bow tie

Daddy being so funny and making me laugh

After my baby shower-worn out

Celebrating January birthdays at Grandpa's

Tummy Time

A boy and his puppy

Great Grandpa holding me

Meeting Uncle Darrell

And Aunt Debbie

With my Godparents

Uncle Woody

Free Hugs
Happy birthday Cas

2 months- of course I wouldn't smile for the camera

2 months

So happy!

1 comment:

  1. This little guy is growing up so fast, I can't believe how fast time has gone! Love him!!
