Monday, April 24, 2017

Settling into being a family of 4

Brecken has been with us for an entire month. I can't believe how fast it has gone, but I also feel like I've known him forever.  It's hard to think about the fact that I didn't even know him a month ago.

Brecken has settled into our family perfectly.  Camber absolutely adores "his baby."  ADORES! He walks in every morning to check on his baby.  He loves to kiss him and check on him.  He is very aware of Brecken and can't wait to play with him. Camber is always trying to show Brecken his toys. I'm sure that story will change when he really does have to share his toys, but for now he loves his little brother!

At the hospital I was pretty sure that Brecken had a tongue and lip tie so on Friday (when Brecken was one day old) I called Dr. Wade at the Children's Dental Center and made an appointment for Monday to have him checked.  I would have gone on Saturday on our way home from the hospital if they would have been open. By Monday, I was in some serious pain when nursing and knew something was wrong.  My suspicions proved to be true when Dr. Wade told me Brecken had a tongue and lip tie.  He was revised that day.  Then began the process of teaching Brecken how to use his new tongue and mouth. Because he was revised so early on, that process was a little easier than with Camber (who wasn't revised until 5 weeks old).

Because Brecken was tongue/lip tied breastfeeding got off to a rocky start.  I was going to Willowsong for their Breastfeeding Cafe for support.  Just last week I called in Angela Swieter (she owns Basking Babies) and had her give me some help. She is amazing and really helped me.  At his two week appointment he wasn't quite up to birth weight.  We had another appointment Friday, April 14th (3 weeks old) and Brecken weighed in at 8 pounds 4 oz. which was a 9 oz weight gain in one week.  I was thrilled! Our doctor was happy and said to continue doing what we are doing.  We've already been through so much in just the first month of Brecken's life.  He is now over 9 pounds and changing like crazy.

At the end of three weeks I was really starting to notice Brecken changing.  He just seemed to be filling out and was able to hold my eye contact for so much longer.  He has given me a couple little sideways smiles, but still waiting for the full on smile.

Brecken weighs in around 9 pounds 8 oz. We had some nursing issues in the beginning because of his tongue and lip tie and my supply issues, but he is gaining weight so things seem to be good for now.  I promised this time around to not get obsessed about any nursing expectations.  I have just taken it one week at a time and so far we are doing pretty good.  We will continue as long as it is working for the both of us!

It seems this month we have been so busy despite my best efforts to just relax and snuggle at home, knowing those moments are fleeting and will be SO missed in just a short time.

Camber continues to LOVE his little brother.  I knew he would be a sweet, kind-hearted big brother, but I didn't expect him to be so attentive and perceptive of his brother.  I expected him to be jealous and sad that he had to share his time and attention, but he is doing amazing! I was starting to feel guilty that I hadn't spent some alone time with him, so we went to the park yesterday and played soccer, climbed the equipment, and threw rocks in the creek. I have also been trying to do as many bedtimes as possible!

All kinds of visitors at the hospital.  Everyone trying to love on Brecken.  

Lots of sweet snuggles with my baby!

Miss Margaret (and her Mama Liz) came to visit us

Amy Brooks-Murphy-SO important to our birth journey!

Brecken's Great Grandma

Brecken's Great Grandpa

Brecken's Great-Great Grandma

Two weeks old and ready for Church
I was 100% sure that Brecken was going to be a girl. I had bought a "few" girl things.  I said I was going to be shocked if it was a boy, but the funny thing is-I'm not even shocked.  He fits perfectly into our family, but I couldn't resist this picture.  

Camber loving on his brother

Easter Egg Hunt


Camber being an amazing big brother

Camber reading to Brecken while I was making dinner

Brecken's side-smile

Carly loving her littlest brother

Brecken's one month pictures

Camber on the left and Brecken on the right

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