Friday, March 3, 2017

36 Weeks...Almost There

   We have had some really busy weekends!

   Valentine's Day weekend Doug and I had a wonderful date day: spent at a birth class, a movie, and dinner (1.5 hours away in Bethany Missouri).  Doug and I were able to chat and hang out with was so nice, although we missed our Stinky!

   We went to Omaha to see Grant and Alison (and of course their daughter Eve) and had so much fun. We stayed at the hotel that had a water park and I think Camber and Eve went down the small water slide 1,000 times. They also had tickets to the circus and the kids loved all the attractions.

   Last weekend, Camber and I ran some errands.  He was so cute picking out a present for Carly Moe's birthday and then got his haircut. He helped me pick out a new shirt and shoes for our family pictures.  Not sure I should be taking fashion advice from a 3 year old boy, but when he says "Mama, I like that shirt. So pretty," you can't pass it up!  We then had family pictures and Camber started out with the biggest grumpy face ever!  He eventually got comfortable and ended up with some adorable smiles and even kissed my belly for a picture.  I can't wait to see the finished products.

  I had my 36 week appointment on Thursday and was measuring big so they decided to a growth scan by ultrasound. They found that the baby's head is measuring right on track and his/her tummy and legs are about a week big.

How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Sleep: It has definitely been hit or miss.  Some nights I sleep a couple hours straight before tossing and turning every hour. Some nights its tossing and turning every 20 minutes.  My hips get so sore from having to sleep on my side.
Best Moment of the Week: Not necessarily just this week, but I am trying to soak up all the time I can with Camber as just a mama of one for now.  I keep thinking about how this is going to change his world, so I am trying to make the best of our time as a small family of three.
Miss Anything?: Seeing my toes, the ease of putting shoes on, having energy, and I really miss some of my normal shoes, as my feet have swollen/grown enough that I only have a couple of options.
Food Cravings: I don't have major cravings, but the other night I really wanted some cold, pulpy orange juice.  I also really wanted some monkey bread (thanks Mom for making me some!)
Labor Signs: A few Braxton Hicks here and there, but nothing to get too excited about.
Gender: I have been sure it's a girl the entire pregnancy.  I am not dumb enough to think it couldn't be a boy, but I will be seriously shocked if it's a boy.  Either way we have names set in stone and ready to go.  I am just getting so excited to meet this baby. Girl or Boy I just want to see what he/she looks like and acts like!
Looking Forward To: Parent-teacher conferences and spring break! Only a week of school left before spring break. And then it's baby time!!

36 weeks with Baby #2

36 weeks with Camber (left) and Baby Taylor #2 (right)

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