Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Summer Buddies

If you would have talked to me at the end of the school year about my summer plans, my answer was "survive the summer with Camber." To be honest, I was very nervous about staying home with my little guy.  I like teaching and a being a working mom, makes me a better mom.  I had often said, "What am I going to do all day?"  

Doug answered, "Go to the library."
To which I replied, "Ok, we will be done with that by 9:30-then what?!"

Well I can honestly say that I have MORE than LOVED my summer home with Camber! It was so much better than I was expecting and I have truly found my summer buddy! 

I am not sure what we did some days/ weeks to pass the time, but we always seem to be busy and having fun. I enjoy play time at home just watching Camber learn and try new things.  Multiple times a day he makes me bust out laughing.  

Being home with Camber has made me realize how much I miss while I am at work.  It just means I have to enjoy every second I get to spend with him.  

He found his "digger" in the book

We went to story time at the library and Camber decided to leave Mommy to sit on the librarian's chair.  What this picture doesn't show is the other kids running around too (he wasn't the only one not listening).  Needless to say we didn't do a whole lot of structured story times!

He stole the librarian's puppet.  Oops!

Visiting Daddy at work

The zoo was another place we went to a lot this summer.  We got a Zoo Pass at the beginning of the year and would often times meet friends there.  It didn't take long for us to find our favorites (the monkeys and train). 

Waiting for Daddy to come in.

One of Camber's favorite activities is playing outside.  Whether it's his slides, water table, or sand table he loves it!  

He didn't really love the sprinkler. 

Camber loved playing at the splash pad. The first time it took a little while for Camber to get used to the water spraying him, but the more we went the more he got used to it.  
Swinging while waiting for the water to come on. 

Actually dipping his face in the water!

Splash pad with friends!

Parade in Grimes

Bike ride with a picnic at the park

For Father's Day we took a trip to Omaha to go to the Children's Museum and the Omaha Zoo.  Camber had a ton of fun and the Children's Museum was amazing.  Can't wait to go back when he is a little older. 

Not sure about working under the car. 

Camber spent the most amount of our time at the Children's Museum in this fire truck. 

Going to the bank and getting money from Daddy.

Shopping at the "HyVee" in the Children's Museum.  

The gorillas at the Zoo


Going and playing at the park!

I took Camber to the dentist this summer. The waiting room had a horse, cow, games, and a slide.  He thought it was pretty cool.  He didn't like have his teeth looked at though :-)

Such a busy little climber. 

Visiting my friend Eve at the Lake

Visiting Grandma

Watching the diggers across from Grandma's house. 

The 4th of July-18 Months old (on the 5th)

Finished the 4th with some sparklers with the Jones Family

Dallas County Fair

Backpack and books-ready for school!

Camber always wants Daddy to go down the slide too!

Doug's surprise party! He had no idea!!

LOVES his cars!

Watching the storm roll in and start pouring rain.
He was very serious as he watched the rain pour down.

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