Friday, January 30, 2015

Thank you random lady at Pancheros

Last week we were sitting at Pancheros eating lunch when this random lady walked up to our table and said, "Thank you for enjoying your son. He has been so fun to watch! Enjoy him."

Not sure where she was sitting or how long she was watching, but it made my day. Some people might think it was kind of creepy, but seeing the genuine look on her face I knew that she truly meant it.

After being gone for 5 days in New Orleans, while Camber got sick I was so ready to spend the weekend with him! Doug and I had finished eating and instead of hurrying Camber through his lunch, we were just sitting, talking, and playing.

Now don't get me wrong, I had a great time in New Orleans.  I learned so much at our conference and we were able to go explore the city as part of our Inquiry Conference.  It was amazing seeing a city come back from such tragedy during Hurricane Katrina.  As part of my inquiry project I studied locals' Katrina stories and being able to talk to people and hear their story was my favorite part. I also loved the Beignets from Cafe Du Monde, the authentic shrimp (I don't like any other seafood), the company (I went with a great group of teachers), and our conference. But it was truly inspiring hearing how people recovered from such a life-changing event!

Hot chocolate from Cafe Du Monde. The Beignets are amazing!

On the way back to the hotel one night there was a random mini-parade. They were handing out beads! (and flowers)

Such a great conference!

We started our inquiry project at the Louisiana State Museum where they have a Katrina exhibit

I have decided that I will never take another vacation away from Camber. It was the worst torture ever being away from him, especially while he was sick! I am so glad he was at home with Daddy though. Doug did a great job taking care of him, cleaning our whole house, and buying me flowers to return to. Maybe I should leave more often......

Nope! I plan to enjoy my time with Camber!

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