Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"I love this age!" -10 months

   Every month that goes by I end up saying, "I love this age," and it's true, with each new month I love the things Camber can do.  I wonder if I will eventually stop saying that? When he is in the terrible twos?

  Right now he is at such a great age. He is mobile, although not walking yet, so I can still catch him if I move really fast :-) He is getting more and more vocal, although not connecting words to his sounds.  He has been saying "ma ma ma" and "da da da" a ton, but not in connection with Doug or I.

   He loves eating and does an awesome job at restaurants and dinner time at home.  As long as there is food put in front of him he will sit there all day!!  He is on a great schedule and is doing a great job with naps (most days).

  As of the last few weeks Camber has been sleeping through the night on most nights.  He usually sleeps 8-10 hours and then wake ups, eats, and then sleeps another hour or so.  It has been pretty wonderful for this sleep deprived mama, but I am trying to not get too use to it.  I am sure in a couple of weeks he will start teething and we will be back to getting up a lot!

   Speaking of teeth: Camber still doesn't have one! I am shocked, because for months I have said he is going to get one! :-) I am sure they will all come in at once when they decide to.

   We had a busy month with Camber this month.  Grandma's birthday, Halloween, dinner in Boone, and lots and lots of playing.


He HATED the feel of the pumpkin guts!

"You want me to stick my hand in there? Are you crazy, Dad?"

"Yep you're crazy! I am not doing that!"

"Mom, make him stop!"



We tried out the bubble bath for the first time the same night as the pumpkin carving. He hated the bubbles!

"I don't like this!"
Since then we have done other bubble baths and he has since learned to like them :-)

"Hey Mom, you want to join the party?"

"What are you looking at Mom?"

Grandma reading a story

Just chillin on a Saturday afternoon

Camber's new big boy carseat. We should have gotten this months ago!

TEN months old! 

"Hey Chevy!" (Yes, that's his elephant's name)  :-)

"I love you Chevy"

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