Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting into a routine (8 months)

   School has started, which means a new routine for us.  Camber has adjusted so well to daycare! We have found an amazing place for our little guy when we have to be away.  She loves him SO much and they get to do so many fun things!! He has had "apple week," "farm week," and "ocean week," just to name a few!!  He is playing and learning so much!  I don't worry one bit about it during the day, because I know that Janelle loves him so much!

   We helped Daddy celebrate his 29th birthday.  Doug got to go to Arkansas for a car show to celebrate! We sure missed him while he gone and we were SO happy when he returned!!

  Camber has learned so many new things; everyday doing something he hasn't done the day before.  He slept 8.5 hours the night before he turned 8 months old!  He LOVES to eat and does a great job at meal time and restaurants! He has learned "so big" and does it all the time!

  He does better in his car seat, but there are days he doesn't want to get in.  He also HATES getting his clothes changed, which means you have to move really fast :-)

Right before we did the ALS ice bucket challenge

At daycare, their first outing to the grocery store!

He loves to eat (this is from daycare)

Such a happy little guy!

Apple week at daycare is SO yummy!

Spaghetti: before

Spaghetti: after 

"Helping" at mommy's school

Camber loves coming home and seeing Carly Moe. He just laughs and laughs at her!

Watching Daddy mow the yard!

At Jordan Creek Mall watching the geese and fish

Camber's snorty face

Tractor rides at the Machine Shed 

Camber with his new pig for Farm Week. He even took it to daycare for "show and tell" :-)

Grandpa Kevin taught Camber to do "so big" a while ago and Camber has been doing it ALL the time now!

He even does it in his sleep :-)

Such a sweet little boy!

Digging in his carseat to get his binky


Such a happy little guy!

"I'm coming to get you Mommy!"

Surfing the lapboard

So happy!

        I am not really sure why I decided to take monthly pictures; Camber sure doesn't like the idea. He has better things to do than sit while I take a picture :-) We didn't really get any good ones, except that they are all hilarious!

"What'd you say to me?!"

This is the start of his snorty face

I'm outta here!

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