Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ready for School...What?!?!

That's right, I said it! I'm ready for school.  Now don't get me wrong I am going to miss hanging out with my little bubba. I am going to miss him like crazy! I love our days spent together doing whatever we want: relaxing at home, running errands, visiting with friends, taking walks, taking naps, and so much more. But I am also ready to meet my new kiddos and to start a new year.

I love being a teacher; it makes me who I am. And yes, I am already starting to feel mom-guilt because I know I won't be able to spend as much time with Camber as I want. And yes, I am already starting to wonder how I will juggle everything: being a teacher, being a mom, being a wife. But I also know that being a teacher makes me a better person, a better mom, a better wife.

So as the school year fast approaches and I am nervous about sending Camber to daycare, although I know he is going to the best place possible, I am excited to get back in my classroom!  During our Instructional Leadership Team meeting yesterday Karen asked us what we were going to do to go that extra step, that extra one degree.  I couldn't come up with an answer right away.

After much thought I decided, creativity.  I wouldn't consider myself a very creative person; I am a rule-follower, pretty black and white. But this year I want to focus my energy on creativity and really foster a place where kids can be creative.  Where they can try new things, be vulnerable, make mistakes, and learn!

After reading another blog by a friend and awesome teacher I continue to be inspired to do what is best for kids. Lots of changes coming to my room this year!  So excited!

So even though I might not be ready for lots of meetings, having to wear something other than yoga pants, packing my lunch every morning, or pumping at school (ugh, a whole other battle story), I am very excited to meet my new kiddos and get this year rolling!

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