Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Half Birthday

We have been SO busy during our first month of summer!
-Camber helped Doug celebrate his first Father's Day.
-He has tried some different foods: bananas, sweet potatoes, peas, and his favorite, avocado.
-We visited Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hughes.
-We celebrated Garrett's graduation with family in Boone.
-Doug and I celebrated our 5th anniversary! I can't believe it's been five years since we got married. Doug and I went to a movie while Grandma watched Camber.
-We took Camber to the Art's Festival.
-He has been to the Farmer's Market a few times.
-We met with our small group from church and it was SO fun to see all the kids (and adults again).  Camber is the youngest but he loved playing with the other babies!
-We also celebrated 4th of July where Camber attended his first parade, Good Guys car show, and got to go swimming!

And most importantly, Camber celebrated his first 1/2 birthday.  We are so amazed by how strong he is and how much he changes everyday! He is SO full of personality and is such a happy little guy!

We have called this summer "Operation: Summer Sleep" because I am determined to get a better sleeping baby.  His daytime naps were sporadic and short.  His night time sleep at the beginning of summer was horrible.  He was waking up every 1.5-2 hours screaming.  It sometimes took 15-20 minutes to calm him down before nursing him and getting him back to sleep.  Well we have definitely made progress! Naps are now taken in his crib.  This is a first, as he usually just napped on our bed; we would carefully lay him down there after he was asleep.  Now I put him in his crib when he gets tired and a few minutes later (and sometimes a minute or two of crying) he is out. To transition to that I would sit with him and sing songs to him to help him get to sleep without crying.  I thought if I had to sing one more verse of "Your Are My Sunshine," I would go crazy!  For both naps and bedtime we are able to just put him in his crib and he goes to sleep on his own! He is getting so big!

Doug has some big news! He is back working on his own doing window tint and accessories.  His new business is called Auto Addictions and is located in Waukee right next to Shottenkirk.  He has been open since the beginning of June and has been so busy!

I did a little photo shoot with Camber the other day and was pretty happy with the results!

So stinking cute!

He will hate this one when he gets older, but I think it's ADORABLE!!

Happy Father's Day. Ko-Gart Racing at MB2 Racing in Grimes

With Aunt Cas

And Uncle Pete

And FUNcle Jeffe

Go Daddy Go!

Happy Father's Day!

Dad = My Hero

My first food = BANANAS

Not sure what to think. He did end up loving them!

First bath in the big tub. Carly Moe LOVED being able to see (and steal a lick).

Visiting Great Grandpa Hughes

And Great Grandma

Outside with the bubble machine

These things are so cool!!

This grass feels so weird on my skin!

2nd food: sweet potatoes


And messy!

Helping Mommy and Daddy celebrate their anniversary! First time sitting in a booster seat!

Sleeping like a big boy in my crib

Carly Moe helping get Camber to sleep

Out for lunch

He can scootch backwards, but has yet to crawl forward

Thanks for the hat Aunt Sherrie

Playing in the water at the Art Festival

Loves being outside!

Sitting on my old rocking chair from when I was a little girl

First time going swimming!

Shark hat 

So much fun!

Grandpa Bob you are so silly!

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

My first parade

These avocados are so sleepy

And so yummy

Couldn't pick it up so he tried eating it straight from the tray

Covered in green!

I am 6 months old today!!

I LOVE my puppy dog!!!

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