Thursday, August 8, 2013


I don't claim to be a religious guru or a deeply political person.  Often times when conversation turns to political issues I just stay out of it.  When questioned about my faith I will definitely answer and defend my views, but I don't claim to know every scripture or go to church as much as I would like (or should). This isn't about being republican or democrat. This isn't about being religious or atheist.  This is about LOVE!

Because I usually do not care about issues one way or the other most of the time, I am not very out spoken about many issues. In fact, if talking to the right person I can usually be persuaded to agree with another view.  But this issue has been weighing heavy on my heart for a long time.  I am embarrassed, disappointed, and mostly sad.  Sad for our community, nation, and future.

I don't understand why people can't treat everyone fairly.  No matter what your "religious beliefs" are, can't we just love everyone.  This issue was brought back to the forefront of my mind last night as I listened to a story on the news about a venue saying no to a same-sex couple for their wedding.  The owner would not let them get married at her venue because of her "religious beliefs." That's a bunch of crap! Doesn't God say to LOVE. Above all else is LOVE!  Don't judge others!  How is their so-called "sin" any different than judging someone or not loving?!  I am not asking for everyone to agree with same-sex marriage; I fully believe that people have a right to make that decision on their own, but LOVE everyone, no matter what your view is.

Some people make the argument that she has a right to refuse service to these people and maybe legally she does, but doesn't it kind of remind you of the stories about segregation.  Someone probably once said it's my "religious belief" that blacks shouldn't be allowed into restaurants, certain schools, on the bus, etc.  Or what about women's rights.  I am sure at some point some man said it's our "religious belief" that women should answer to their husbands, and therefore do not need the right to vote, own land, etc.  It is embarrassing to think that we live in a time where more "segregation" and judging is going on. We are going to look back on this and be amazed that people ever thought this way.

I am not writing this to offend anyone or anyone's beliefs, because we live in a world where you get to choose how you feel.  But we also live in a world where same-sex couples (or anyone different from you) gets to choose how they feel too!  I am writing this to get it off my chest; I have been mad about this, sad about this, and disappointed about this issue and when words start running through my head, I just need to write them down.  I am writing this so that maybe one person would think today about how they can LOVE others and stop judging them.

As I sit here shaking and my cheeks moist from my emotion I wonder...
How would our world be different if we just LOVED?!  As I get ready to bring a new life into this world I hope that he/she can LOVE unconditionally. I hope that he/she is LOVED unconditionally no matter what life choices he/she makes.  I worry about bringing a new little one into a world that is so broken and hurtful, but I know that if we teach LOVE then nothing else matters!


  1. You are amazing Lindsay! That was very well stated. I know your child is going to get that unconditional love from you and learn from you many important values and beliefs!!! Love you!!!

  2. Beautifully said! I have often felt like you do, sad and scared about the world that my girls are growing up in, but then I remember that they can change this world. I'm raising my girls to bring love and tolerance into this world. I'm teaching them to faithfully stand by their beliefs. Whenever I get discouraged, I give them a big hug and kiss, and then pray that they grow into strong, brave leaders. Your little one will. He/she will be strong, and kind, and loving and all the great things you are! Keep up the good work!
