Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer flying by....

   Summer seems to be flying by and I haven't even touched my massive summer-to-do list.  Originally I had planned to help Doug at Auto Reflections by answering phones and doing some secretary work; that didn't really last long :-)  I think I slept the month of June away with all the naps I took.  July isn't looking any less sleepy.  Some days I don't need a nap, but then it seems to catch up with me.

   We had our 12 week ultrasound, which was actually used for our first trimester screening, which screens for Down Syndrome among a few other things.  We got the results back and everything looks normal.  It was also so fun to see Baby Taylor on that big screen. When they first started the ultrasound he (I just call the baby a he-we don't actually know) was face down the whole time and wouldn't turn over.  He was just comfy!  He finally moved around, but kept his little hands up by his face most of the time.  At one point he did a full body wave and jumped all around.  It was so amazing to see him moving all around; I sure wish I could feel it!

   Other than just enjoying summer we haven't done much.  We have gone to a couple of movies ( we would definitely recommend The Heat-it was hilarious), gone out to the lake for the 4th of July in addition to being in a few parades for Auto Reflections.  It was amazing weather!

    I have crossed off a few things from our baby-to-do list which feels really good.  I hope to get a few more things done before going back to school.  Can't believe we are already into our second trimester! Where is the time going!?

 How far along: 14 weeks on Saturday
Maternity clothes? Some things are maternity, because I can't stand things touching my belly! 
Sleep: It all depends: sometimes I sleep great and sometimes not so much
Best moment this week: Getting a few things off the baby-to-list and getting to see Baby Taylor last week!

Miss Anything? Energy!
Movement: Not yet (I can't wait until that happens)
Food cravings: Ice Cream
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I went to Arby's to get Doug some lunch and the french fries smelled DISGUSTING! UGH!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: Just tired
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting worried that this summer is going to be over before I actually get anything done!
Looking forward to: Getting a baby bump and feeling Baby Taylor move

His hands up by his face
This is Baby Taylor face down, with his butt up in the air

This is Baby Taylor's head and body
This is Baby Taylor's profile (head and body)

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