Second Baby Syndrome has already impacted this baby. I am almost halfway through this pregnancy and I haven't written a single thing down. People tell stories all the time of having a full baby book for their first child and then a blank baby book for the second one. I swore I would never do that, but then life is busy chasing around a toddler and it just sort of happens.
I figured I should probably re-cap the last twenty weeks for my own memories.
We tried for a few months to get pregnant and when we found out I wasn't surprised at all. I could just tell that I was pregnant. I didn't tell Doug that morning, but instead had Camber practice all day saying there was a baby in mommy's belly. When Doug got home Camber told him and he was pretty surprised. He couldn't believe that I didn't tell him that morning, because when I found out I was pregnant with Camber I couldn't keep it from him at all.
We loved having Camber help us tell family and friends that we were expecting and I think people were truly shocked we were having another baby. It was fun to see people's reactions to Camber's announcement.
I have been feeling great with this pregnancy which was a nice change from my first trimester with Camber. I remember being so tired and nauseous when I was first pregnant with Camber and this time around I feel totally normal. I was pretty emotional during the first trimester, but other than that I didn't have a ton of "symptoms" (or maybe I was just too busy with Camber to notice).
When we went for our 9 week appointment they did an ultrasound to verify pregnancy. We found out that we might have been pregnant with twins, but had lost one. Our doctor called it a vanishing twin and said that all they could see at 9 weeks was the sack from the second baby. The rest had dissolved. She reassured us that it wouldn't impact the rest of the pregnancy.
We have been switched to an Ob-Gyn practice as I can't been seen by the same midwives we used with Camber because of the traumatic birth we had with Camber. We aren't considered high-risk or anything, but because of the shoulder dystocia the midwives won't see us anymore. We have also hired a Doula for this birth although it is not the same one we used with Camber. We are so excited to have Emily with us during our birth.
Doug and I have really gone back and forth about finding out the gender this time around (we didn't find out with Camber), but we have ultimately decided that we are going to wait. We even had the appointment scheduled to find out, but both of us were getting overwhelmed with finding out early. We felt like we were opening our Christmas presents early and we can't wait to find out in the delivery room if we are going to be parents to another boy or a little girl. We will be thrilled with either one so no need to find out early.
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty good overall. Some nights I lay awake at night for an hour or so, but for the most part I sleep good.
Best Moment of the Week: I have started to feel this baby move. Thank God! Because I was started to get worried that I hadn't felt any movement yet.
Miss Anything?: Nope.
Movement: Just started feeling some consistent movement that is unmistakable. I absolutely love it!
Food Cravings: I haven't really had any cravings or aversions this time around. With Camber I couldn't eat a piece of chicken to save my life, but this time around I don't have anything. One night a few weeks ago I was craving canned peaches, but other than that not really.
Anything making you sick or queasy?: Not this time around! Thank Goodness!
Gender: I definitely think girl, but have really pictured our family with either one and know it will be complete with whatever God grants us!
Labor Signs: No and I am hoping for nothing for a while!
Symptoms: I'm all good. I get tired pretty easy in the early evenings, but other than that I feel pretty good.
Wedding Ring on or off?: I can't wear my wedding ring, because my finger reacts to it whenever I put it on. It gets little red, itchy bumps all over it. I have been wearing the ring I bought at the end of my pregnancy with Camber. It totally bums me out, but I guess happens to lots of pregnant women.
Looking forward to: Our 20-week ultrasound is this week and I am excited to see this baby and make sure he/she is ok.