Sunday, April 19, 2015

He's a Mover and a Shaker!

Disclaimer: This is a really long post with tons of pictures and videos.  I have been meaning to blog for a long time, and every time I sit down to do it I get interrupted.  

Over spring break we went to Waukee's Tot Lot (just a big room with a ton of toys, mats, and things to climb on).  Camber LOVED it.  He was the youngest one there both days, but ran around like the "big boys."  He wasn't scared a bit. (Mommy might have been more nervous than he was!)

He is such a mover so being able to play, run, and climb was so fun!  We also bought some small outdoor toys and the weather was so nice over spring break that we spent a bunch of time outside.  

We went to the Urbandale library and then walked around outside. We found some giant chairs and these statues.  He wasn't too sure about them!

We went to a couple different parks while I was home.  We have since found the ones we love, where Camber is able to do most of the things on his own.  He is really into be "independent" right now (which I am sure only gets worse). 

One of Camber's favorite things is to visit Daddy at work.  He knows what he can play with and loves with Dad takes a few minutes to push, pull, or drive him around.  I'm not so sure Doug doesn't like it just as much (if not more!)

Surfer Dude

"Dad, why are you in my truck!? You're too big!"

Camber has had 5 ear infections in a 2.5 month span. It has been absolutely miserable.  We went to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist over spring break and he suggested Camber getting tubes in both ears.  Each new ear infection means a trip to the Dr., so Camber is getting really good at sitting and waiting (although there isn't much sitting involved).  I make sure to pack lots of fun toys and yummy snacks and he usually does a great job!

Thinks he is such a funny guy! 

Love his smile right at the end of the video!

We tried to go see the Easter Bunny, but Camber would not have it! We thought he would do a good job, because he loved Santa and usually isn't afraid of people.  But have you seen how creepy this bunny looks? No wonder he didn't want to sit on his lap. I wouldn't have wanted to either.  Needless to say, we didn't push the issue!

"No way Dad!"

After the traumatic experience visiting the Easter Bunny we did something more Camber's style = the park!  He loved the slides!

His face right at the end of the video and his "Mom!"  Little Stinker!

I didn't take many pictures from this day, but Camber did an amazing job getting his tubes.  We were a little nervous about how he would do, because he wasn't allowed to eat after midnight and Camber without breakfast isn't a pretty sight.  He is a bit (or a lot) like his Mama and if we get hungry we get grumpy.  (Just ask Doug!).  We had some new toys to play with and a short video of Mater from Cars on the iPad.  He did a great job and even went with the doctors without any complaint.  After the surgery was another story.  The anesthesia made him very unhappy and they warned us that he might not act like himself for a little while. We were able to get him home and get him some breakfast and he then felt much better.  

He was playing trucks in no time!

Camber did his first Easter Egg hunt and met the Fire Dog.  

Aunt Cas came too!

"I already told you guys that I am not going to see that stupid Bunny!"

Getting ready to hunt!

Good job Bubba!

Getting all kinds of eggs!

We went to Easter Service at Hope and they had an Easter egg hunt for the kids.  They walked through the maze and stopped at each pool for one egg.  He loved digging through to choose his egg!

By the time Easter morning came, Camber was a pro at Easter egg hunting. He even carried his own basket!

 Easter Egg hunting at Aunt Lori's house

She hid them good!  

Aunt Sherrie helped me ride on the back of Payton's tricycle. 

Camber is such a happy, little guy! He is FULL of energy, rarely sitting still for more than a second or two. Unless, of course, he is eating. Then he is still, because he LOVES his food!!  

Me on  the left and Camber on the right