Sunday, March 1, 2015

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired

I left for New Orleans on January 15th and that weekend Camber got sick with his first double ear infection.  Since then we have had sickness invade our house.  No matter what I did: constantly cleaning and wiping things down, diffusing all types of oils, or just praying that we get better we were still all sick. 

Camber went through two different double ear infections.  A couple weeks after his first round he fell asleep on my lap at the Cheesecake Factory and at that point both Doug and I knew something was majorly wrong. Camber has NEVER fallen asleep just sitting on me, not even as a newborn (and no,  I am not exaggerating).  Ended up in the ER that night with a 104.7 temp and another double ear infection (and upper respiratory infection). 

Still happy even though he felt like crap!

Then it was my turn.  The next weekend I got a horrible sinus infection that just wouldn't go away.  I lost my voice, which made teaching fifth graders interesting to say the least (pun intended).  

Then the week after that Doug got sick with the stomach flu and gave it to me so I spent my weekend with the stomach flu and a sinus infection.  It was just a great time.  Oh and that was Valentine's Day weekend so needless to say we didn't do anything!!  

They made me wear this at the Dr. until they figured out if I had the flu or not

This last weekend, I said to Doug, "This is the first weekend since January that someone in our family hasn't been sick."  Sure enough, Carly Moe felt left out! So she ate some ibuprofen, which I guess can be toxic to dogs.  One capsule can kill a dog her size.  Wish I would have known that when I found out she ate it and I would have taken her to the vet right away.  Instead we waited until the next day and ended up having to put her in the Puppy Hospital for 2 days. (That was cheap!).

Then this Thursday at daycare Camber had a 102.5 fever and I thought "Oh great, another ear infection." Took him to the doctor on Friday and his ears look perfect and no fever.  Not sure what that was all about, maybe a tooth.  Thank God for my mom watching him on Friday so that I could have my first full week of work since Christmas break (because of my trip to New Orleans and everyone being sick).  

I hate to say it, but I think we are all better at the Taylor Household (knock on wood)! God I hope so!  We need spring!!