Sunday, October 5, 2014

3/4 of a year!

Wow! 9 months old!! And ready for fall!

Camber is such a happy, BUSY little boy.  He is getting so big (kind of a chunk!)  He is so happy, unless he is trying to go to sleep.  He loves to play and impresses us everyday with the new things he is learning.

During September, we signed up for Camber water babies. It was every Monday and he LOVED it! The last few times it was pretty cold, which made him a little upset, but overall he liked it. His friend Jaxson (and Jamie and Kyle) was also in his class! On the 2nd week they had the parents dunk the babies.  Good thing Doug was the one doing it with him; Camber didn't hate it, but I don't think he loved it :-) This was kind of Doug's thing to do with Camber, but I joined the last two times.

We went and visited Aunt Kelsey and Aunt Connor at their colleges. We saw Aunt Connor play in a soccer game and saw Kelsey's campus when we went to her family day.

We spent the day at Center Grove pumpkin patch. It was over 80 degrees that day so it was a little warm, but we still had fun!
All ready to go!

Walking in to the Y

First dunk!

Going under

Swimming, swimming

He didn't love floating on his back

"Daddy you're so funny!"

Had to swim after the ball

Sitting with Grandpa and Grandma after visiting Connor's soccer game

Camber and Eve (Grant and Alison came to visit)

Going for a walk

We always tried to stop by the park to swing on our walks

Visin the Bass Pro Shop and Daddy found Camber a new toy

Climbing on everything! 

Riding Doug's old pedal tractor

Always getting into trouble

So cute

Playing in the grass at the World Food and Music Festival

Ready for "wheel week" at daycare

Camber loved feeling the cool air out of the vent

Carly and Camber waiting for Daddy to come home

Grandpa and Camber hanging out

With Connor and Garrett

At the pumpkin patch

Playing in the corn 

Hay rack ride at the Pumpkin Patch

Ready for the cold weather!

Photo booth at Kelsey's family day

9 Months Old! 
Likes: eating, crawling up and down the stairs, swimming,  
playing (especially with things that aren't "toys), shaking his head no, and his puppy dog!
Dislikes: getting dressed or diaper changed. That's about the only time he wiggles and whines